Finstertal Mine
Always worth a visit
The mine in the Asbacher Mountains first opened in 1417. Mainly iron and manganese were mined here, along with lead, silver, copper, cobalt and barite ...
More informationOpening hours:
April–October: Wed.–Sun. 10.00am–5.00pm, July-August: also Tue. 3.00pm–5.00pm, as well as on federal holidays

Half-timbered House Museum
One of the five oldest half-timbered houses in Thuringia
The half-timbered house on Weidebrunner Gasse 13, constructed in 1369, is actually a pair of semi-detached houses built with typical post and beam construction. The Schmiedhof was one of the building's ...
More informationOpening hours:
Januar–December: Tue.–Sat. 11.00am–5.00pm

Wilhelmsburg Castle
Jewel among renaissance Castles
The Wilhelmsburg Castel overlooks the medieval city center of Schmalkalden. Built between between 1585 and 1590, the castle was a secondary residence for the Hesse landgrave ...
More informationOpening hours:
April-October: daily 10.00am-6.00pm, November-March: Tue.-Sun. 10.00am-4.00pm

Technical Museum "New Cottage"
A blast furnace as a museum
Experience the interesting 1300-year history of iron production and the processing of iron and steel into all kinds of iron hardware in Schmalkalden ...
More informationOpening hours:
April–October: Wed.–Sun. 10.00am–5.00pm, November-March: Wed.-Fri. 10.00am-4.00pm, Sun. 12.00pm–4.00pm, also on federal holidays

Viba Nougat World
Definitely worth a visit
With two floors filled with exciting activities, the Viba Nougat World attracts many tourists, especially tourist groups and families travelling to Schmalkalden - the beautiful town of half-timbered houses ...
More informationOpening hours:
Main opening hours: daily 10.00am-6.00pm also on Sundays and holidays, June-August: daily 10.00am -8.00pm